Nicholas Stitzell - Communications Engineer

Nick is a senior in Electrical Engineering with a focus in Power Systems. He desires to become a Power Systems Engineer after successful internships in Des Moines and will be moving to Minneapolis upon graduation to pursue this career. Nick enjoys getting his hands dirty as a part-time home improvement contractor and is involved with the Navigators ministry at Iowa State.
Minoru Fernando - Research Engineer

Minoru is a senior in Electrical Engineering with a focus in VLSI. He hopes to pursue a career in ASIC or FPGA digital design, and functions as a Research Engineer for the team.
Taylor Murphy - Power Engineer

Taylor is a senior in electrical engineering, with a focus in Power Systems, and Signals & Systems. He has previously interned at Monsanto and will return to Monsanto this summer. His hobbies include playing basketball, cooking, and reading.
Joe Thurin - Power Engineer

Joe is studying Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in power. He has completed an internship with Lincoln Electric Systems, in Nebraska, as a distribution engineering intern. During his internship he learned a lot about electric utilities and how the grid supplies power to homes. The summer of 2018 he will be interning for Mortenson as a Field Engineering Intern in the High Voltage Transmission department.
Remo Panella - Data Engineer

Remo is a senior in electrical engineering and is studying VLSI. He is from Naperville, Illinois and hopes to pursue a career in the audio field. He has the position of Data Engineer on the team which is utilizing his skills in MATLAB.